Coach Carter
Educator, Youth Mentor, and Subject of
Box Office Hit “Coach Carter”
“Winners Do One Thing, We Win”
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Coach Ken Carter
Coach Carter’s strategy for winning in life range from learning about the quality of one’s character to the love of
learning as well as the importance of self-discipline and spirituality. Coach Carter takes you through his own life experiences and shows how you too, can become successful in your everyday life. His fundamental belief is that you must start with respect for others, your community, and your environment before you can attain your own goals, both personally and professionally.

Coach Carter Movie
Coach Carter is the founder and chairman of the Coach Ken Carter Foundation, a non-profit that promotes and provides education, training and mentoring programs for minority youths. He also founded the Coach Carter Impact Academy, designed to enable disadvantaged youth to reach their full academic and life potential.

Book Coach Carter
Coach Ken Carter has been coaching for well over 15 years. Throughout his life and tenure as a coach, he has inspired and guided numerous lives of young men to reach their highest potential. His “no non-sense” approach to getting things done is the force that has sustained him to have the tremendous positive influence that he currently possesses.

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